Project Savera is implemented by PSI with the support of UL and in coordination with Government of Andhra Pradesh to improve sanitation behavior change in rural areas of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh. The goal of the project is to contribute in reduction of preventable deaths. The overall objective of the project is to develop a Proof of concept (POC) to improve the sanitation behavior change. The Program is being implemented in 400 villages, over a period of three years program aims to reach out 2,00,000 households and thereby potential population of 7,80,000.
Savera项目由PSI在UL的支持下实施,并与Andhra Pradesh政府协调,以改善安得拉邦Chittoor区农村地区的卫生行为变化。该项目的目标是为减少可预防的死亡做出贡献。该项目的总体目标是制定概念证明(POC)以改善卫生行为的变化。该计划正在400个村庄实施,为期三年,计划旨在覆盖2,00,000个家庭,从而使潜在人口达到7,80,000个。